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Publishing high-quality books for children and young adults

Aurealis Award

For best young-adult novel

The Aurealis Awards are presented annually by the Australia-based Chimaera Publications and WASFF to published works to “recognise the achievements of Australian science fiction, fantasy, horror writers”. To qualify, a work must have been first published by an Australian citizen or permanent resident between 1 January and 31 December of the corresponding year; the presentation ceremony is held the following year. It has grown from a small function of around 20 people to a two-day event attended by over 200 people.

Our Award Winners - Aurealis Award

Alyzon Whitestarr

Alyzon Whitestarr

By Isobelle Carmody
  • Aurealis Award in 2005

After a freak accident, Alyzon Whitestarr hears and sees and smells things no one else can detect. She begins to smell something truly terrible; a sickness of the spirit infecting some people, leading them to..



By Isobelle Carmody
  • Aurealis Award in 1997

One wakeful night in the aftermath of his mother’s death, Jack enters a land devoid of colour or scent. Here he meets the tragic laughing beast and Alice, a strange girl with a secret. Will..

Little Fur

Little Fur

By Isobelle Carmody
  • Aurealis Award in 2006

Little Fur is an elf troll who lives peacefully as a healer of small creatures in a grove of magical trees.

Super Nova

Super Nova

By Krys Saclier & Rebecca Timmis
  • Aurealis Award in 2019 Finalist

Nova’s brother thinks she gets away with too much, until he finds out what she’s really planning. And it’s out of this world. Will he keep her secret? Super Nova tells the story of the most..