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Ford Street Publishing extends Storytime Agreement

Ford Street Publishing will extend support of the Storytime Agreement due to continuing lockdowns.

The agreement permits teachers, librarians and booksellers to make use of our books in online recordings and livestreams without a breach of copyright.

Please observe the following terms of the agreement:

  • Specific do not need to be sought for the use of our picture books under this agreement.
  • Permissions must be sought for the reading of longer texts, beyond the 10% permitted under Fair Dealing for the use of ‘research or study’ (Copyright Act 1968).
  • Recordings must not be publicly available. For example, they should only be accessed by current students. If recordings are uploaded to YouTube, the recording must be ‘Unlisted’ not ‘Public’.
  • Bibliographic details of the work must be included in the recording, including: the title, author, illustrator, publisher, and clear representation of the cover.

This extension will be in effect until September 29th 2021. By this date, recordings must be taken down.

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